Friday, June 23, 2006

Kickn' It at the Cabin

Hey everybody! My Greatest Summer in the History of Summers is officially underway! On Tuesday I landed in Minneapolis Minnisota to find my self greeted by the most amazing girl (officially) that i have ever met. Those of you who don't know her will soon enough. The weather his is amazing and the city seems pretty cool. Haven't had much time to experience downtown other than the airport cause we spent the last two days at Kate's Aunt and Uncle's cabin. Two of the most relaxing days of my life. I honestly would be able to come home right now and say that i had an amazing trip, but i haven't even touched the tip of the iceburg yet!!! Tonight we are going to a comedy club downtown, and it better be good or I'm going to embarass the guy by laughing really loud even if it's not funny. Well, on second thought that my emarass me more than him, but either way it better be funny.

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