Saturday, August 12, 2006

Spain is like McDonald's cause I'm lovin' it! Not like Burger King tough cause I couldn't always have it my way!

Seriously though, Spain was my favorite place next to Switzerland that I have seen in all of Europe. Switzerland because of the beauty and the company i was with at the time, and Spain because it was just the Vibe! (stolen with pride from my friend in Barcelona). I actually had to buy a new ticket back to London 3 days later than my original because I just needed more time to see all of Spain I could. So where to start? Well, my original flight was scheduled to arrive in London the same day that all the crazy terrorist shit when down. What a crazy thing to have happen. I mean it's one thing when you live in Kansas and hear about that happening and it freaks you out, but try luckly changing your flight that you had planned to fly into that actual airport on the same day. Although, it might have been some good pics if i could have seen all the police taking these guys out. I honestly still don't know the complete story becuase all the news was in Spain-ish. I say Spain-ish because it's not really spanish like in mexico. Although the best way i can describe Spain was that it was Mexico with out all the poverty and everyone spoke with a lisp. Example, Gracias (normally pronounced gra-see-ahhs) is pronounced (gra-thee-asth) a little flaming if you ask me?...just kidding.

So as soon as i got to Barcelona I asked my friend Tommy what I had to see first. He immediately started telling me about the Sagrada Familia, a church designed by Gaudi. At first i was thinking, man I've seen so many freakin' churches all over Europe and they are amazing, but after awhile they all look the same. Well not this one! This place was F-ing amazing. We are talking jaw dropping when you come out of the Metro stop and first see it. In fact, it's the only Muesem/Church that I actually bought something from the gift shop! That means it was cool, cause usually that stuff is really touristy and expensive, but if any of you ever come to me casa for an ice cold beverage you will see my solid purchase. Afterwards I decided to hit up the Aquarium and it was the first time I've ever seen a shark up close! I got an awsome photo which I'm pretty proud of cause it was hard to take photos through the glass.

The next day on a long shot e-mail i recieved a phone call from one of my good friends from the class I had taken earlier in the trip. Come to find out he was in Barcelona that day and on his way to Valencia. After lunch and some gigantic beers I decided on a whim that I was going to kick it with him and his girlfriend in Valencia with only the clothes on my back for a couple days. For those of you who dont know, Valencia is know for two things. Beaches and Naranjas (oranges). This is where the first oranges were grown and let me tell you time has only made them better. I dont know how many freakin' orange drinks i had in Valencia, but it really wasnt enough.

Tonight is my last nigh in Europe. Currently, I'm getting ready to go to bed soon so i dont miss my flight home, and i treated myself to the best Mediterainian meal I've ever had in my life tonight. Got to go cause this place is closing down, but I will see you all very soon, and dont worry too much about me cause I'm going to spend the next week with one of the most important people in my life right now. See you soon.
