Friday, October 20, 2006

Hey everyone, I know it's a been awhile since I've added anything new to this. I've heard a couple requests for a big finish, but honestly it has been crazy since my return. I actually got back to the USA on August 14. I flew into Minnisota to and spent a week adjusting and winding down with my girlfriend Kate. (hopefully those of you who haven't met her will get the chance soon as she has become a large part of my life.) Then I got back to Ta-Town on the 21st of August about 10pm. I had school and a job both starting on the 22nd at 8am. Talk about a jolt back to reality. It was much harder than I had anticipated to adjust back to regular life. I realized that we really dont do a lot of things as great as we think we do. For instance, we work the most hours per week of any country in the world. In all of Europe it is standard to give your employees 6 weeks paid vacation every year! Health care is free and available to everyone. And, just our overall attitude twards life forces us to feel busy, stressed, and overwhelmed 99% of the time because we are all so damn worried about making the almighty dollar. (Side note: the dollar isn't so Almighty anymore either, the exchange rate was basically 1 Euro for 2 Dollars....hmmmmm). Now, dont get me wrong. We do a lot of things right here too. Free toilets, water fountains everywhere, airconditioning, trash services, etc. But, just remeber that you don't always have to work so hard America, take time every so often to stop and appreciate what you have. I know I certainly do much more often.

I'm also working on making some video montages that I will post on here as they come along, because I realized you only got to see about .1% of the more than 300 pictures I took over there.