Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Ah yes, the first post. What to put, what to put. Well, this is the place to keep up to date on my adventures over seas this summer. Let me be the first to tell you that studying abraod is no easy task. It has been one of the most painstaking processes of paper work and preparation that I have ever done. But, thanks to some really special peopole in my life (you know who you are and sincerely thank you) this trip is becoming a reality. Also, to keep you up to date on where I will be roughly here is the detailed plan.

Tues. June 20th - Fly out of KCI at 11:40am on American Airlines flight 2411 to Minn. to see Kate before leaving for Europe!!!
(What a way to start out a trip :)

Sun. June 25th - Fly out of Minniapolis Minn. to London Europe!!! (flight TBA)

Mon. June 26th - Arrive London. Transfer to hotel. Rest of day free. Welcome Dinner. Night in London.

Tues. June 27th - Morning orientation, Piccadilly Circus in the heart of the West End, the Houses of Parliament on the banks
of the Thames and Buckingham Palace. Plus, the Tower of London.

Wed. June 28th - Into. to English and Euro. Art. National Gallery in Trafalgar Square. Evening West End Theater performance.

Thurs. June 29th - Morning Lecture: "The Englishness of Englis Art II: Post War London", Afternoon tour Westminister Abbey
and St. Paul's Cathedral.

Fri. June 30th - Tate Modern, Saatchi Gallery is South Bank.

Sat./Sun. July 1-2 - Free Weekend in London!!!!

Mon. July 3rd - Morning depart to Dover Cross Channel Ferry to Ostend. Drive through Belguim to Amsterdam

Tues. July 4 - Morn. Lecture: "Dutch Art in the Golden Age", Afternoon visit Rijksmuseum artists including Vermeer and
Rembrandt. Night in Amsterdam

Wed. July 5th - Morn. Lecture: "Flemish Painting and the Northern Renaissance" Afternoon boat trip through Amsterdam's
famous canals. Night in Amsterdam

Thurs. July 6th - Depart by bus to Paris. Night in Paris

Fri. July 7th - Morn. Lec: "Rococo Art in France", tour of Paris, Notre Dame Cathedral, the Champs Elysees and Arc de
Triomphe. the Louvre. Night in Paris.

Sat. July 8th - Morn. Lec: "Impressionists and Post Impressionists" Afternoon visit to Giverny w/ Monet's house. Night in Paris.

Sun. July 9th - Versailles, Palace of Louis the XIV, Chartres medevil cathedral

Mon. July 10th - Free Day. Night in Paris!!!

Tues. July 11th - Musee d'Orsay followed by departure to Lacernce, Switzerland.

Wed. July 12th - Half-day sight seeing in Lucerne, Picasso Gallery, Overnight train to Venice

Thurs. July 13th - Morn. arive in Venice. Lecture:"The Power of the Paast and the Everlasting Myth", Bridge of Sighs and Doges
Palace. Night in Venice.

Fri. July 14th - Morn. Lec. "Bellini, Titian and Tintoretto" Venetian School of Color, Church of Frari. Night in Venice.

Sat. July 15th - Guggenheim Museum, Afternoon Free. Night in Venice.

Sun. July 16th - Travel by bus to Florence. Stop in Ravenna. Night in Florence.

Mon. July 17th - Santa Maria del Fiore Cathedral, Baptistry doors and the Accademia which houses Michelangelo's David,
Santa Croce Square. Night in Florence.

Tues. July 18th - Morn. Lec. "Flornce and the Early Renaissance", Free Afternoon. Night in Florence.

Wed. July 19th - Free day in Florence.

Thurs. July 20th - Morn. transter by bus to Rome. Stop in Siena.

Fri. July 21st - Morn. Lec. "Michelangelo, Raffael and Leonardo", Tour of Rome: ruins, Colosseum, Forum, Pantheon, Piazza
Navona, Bernini fountains. Night in Rome.

Sat. July 22nd - Morn. visit to the Vatican and its museums. Sistene Chapel, St. Peter's Basilica. Afternoon free. Evening
farewell including assessment of academic program. Night in Rome.

Sun. July 23rd - Aug. 15th - Tripp Henderson meets me in Rome for 3 weeks of more traveling to be announced. (places of
interest: Germany, Prague, Barcellona, and Dublin Ireland)

Tues. Aug. 15th - Depart from London back to Minneapolis, Minnasota to talk Kate's ear off about my summer abroad...just
you wait to hear the stories :)

Sun. Aug. 20th - Depart from Minneapolis back to KCI on American Airlines flight 2466. Arriving at 2:20 mom and dad so i
can talk your ear off about my summer all the way back to Wichita :)

Mon. Aug. 21st - 1st day back to work at Koch and class that night from 535-820pm.

Basically, be afraid world be very afraid. You too bar tabs, you should be afraid as well, just kidding. Seriously though, I am going to try and keep this as up to date as possible while I'm over there. Honestly, I'm not sure what my computer access situation will be over there, but worst case senario I will be uploading a ton of pics to this site as well as snapfish.com (I'll post the correct link at a later point). So check back as often as you like and feel free to forward the link to this site to anyone you think would like to see it.