Saturday, July 08, 2006

Amsterdam...I think?

Wow, what can i say about Amsterdam. Well, first off it's one of the most lawless and craziest place I've ever been. Experience wise it rates up there pretty high (get it high). No I'm just kidding, obviously everyone automatically thinks Drugs, Sex, and Hookers when they hear Amsterdam, but it's actually got a lot more. The whole city is shaped like a cresent and is designed with 3 main canals that pretty much keep the city in motion at all times.

Also, it contains the Anne Frank Huis (that's Dutch for House), and the RijkMuseum. I have to say that the red light district is one of the creapiest places i've ever been and probably wont ever go back. Plus, being one of the only guys in our group it was more than a giant task to protect and hear a group of 10 girls through there, but at least i can say i was there.

Probably my favorite part of Amsterdam though was the bikes! They basically have three major ways of transportation and the bikes are actually so dominant they have there own bike street and stop lights separate from cars or trams. So basically Jordan, Draiper, and I decide we want to rent some bikes and take a nice leasurely strole around Amsterdam. No, wasn't like that at all. This bike ride was intense!!!

First off we didn't know all the rules, for instance, our bikes had bells on them which we though was cool and fun to ring and wave at people. In reality your bell is a serious deal that you use like a horn on a car to tell people they are idots and should get out of your way...Whoops! Also a lot of the paths are one way and we sure didnt realize that til' it was too late. Oh yeah, and we never ride bikes so a two a hour speeding death trap race around Amsterdam kinda took it out of us.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Cheers!!! Day 6

So this is the last day in London and i have to say i definately feel that i made my mark in this city, or the city made it's mark on me? Either way there was a mark made. I am absolutely exhausted from lack of sleep and male nutrition, but am slowly adjusting. I have to say as cool as this place is GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! Two things i'm doing as soon as i get back to the states is buying 100 lbs. of ice and rolling around in it, and second is eating a turkey party sub from subway. Aparently no one ever told London what turkey's are because you absolutely can't find it anywhere!!! If you cant tell i've been here long enough to know the downsides so that's pretty much what this installment will be. Also, it really pisses me off for the fact that people think americans are rude. For example, ordering a glass of water for dinner should not only be a simple task, but it should never be taken as rude. Most places here you have to ask for water and i'm sorry but everytime in my entire life when i have asked for water there are no follow up questions. So on several occasions now i say glass of water. then the waiter mumbles somthing so fast i cant understand it but i can tell he's giving me options? and i'm like uhhh, just a regluar glass of water is fine and he looks at me like i'm stupid and mumbles it again. eventually it works out but when it comes it's the smallest glass of water ever (we are talking dixie cup) with one ice cube if your lucky. no problem but its the only one you will ever get and you wont see your waiter again til' you have to flag him down and ask for your bill. So tonight i was prepared and brought my own gallon jug of water to dinner, aparently that is less rude than bothering someone who you are paying to wait on you. Whew, glad i got all that off my chest.

Ok, enough negativety what else has happened right? Oh yeah, finally getting to know the people im with better and making some really great friends. Two nights ago Jordan, Draiper, Claire, and I all decide to go to happy hour. It was a happy hour! afterwards we ate in this semi-nice but cheap Indian restraunt. Oh yeah another thing food over his isn't so great. I mean some of it has tasted good but it is scary how unfresh and unrefrigerated things are and honestly it scares the crap out of me, and im sorry that i would love to eat a healthy COLD deliciously juicy turkey sandwich with fresh bread and lettuce and tomato with spicy mustard and a little cream chease toasted on on a bagel from time to time...mmmmmmmm. Anyway, we eat dinner wich was really great at this Indian place, but i'm sure we feed into the loud obnoxious american stereotype because we just came from happy hour, but oh well. Then we just got a couple bottles of wine and went and sat in the park. Those of you that know me best know thats my idea of a good night, it's not neccesarily my favorite thing to go to loud clubs and dancing, would much rather chill on some wine with a few close friends.

From left to right Claire, Jordan, Draiper, and you know who

Oh yeah, the freaking World Cup Game was out of control! the pubs here go insane and you litterally have every pub wall to wall with people sweaty profusely while the locals yell and sing the most obnoxios songs i've ever heard. But it was definately and experience. Don't know if you heard back home, but there was roits later all over the city after we lost i missed out on the action but i heard the aftermath, crazyness.

This is me and my main mate Jack at the local pub where we have happy hour (mate means friend so keep your mind out of the gutter :)

Today Tay and I walked down by the river and went to camden town. It was pretty sweet, this is wear all the punk rockers hand out and it definately is a wierd place that makes you feel way out of place, but being with tay made it easier cause he definately blends in to that whole seen.

Tay and I after doing to bungey jump trampalene that shoots you 40 feet in the air next to the London Eye (it was sweet!!!)

Last night we went to the Hip...Hip Hop? Hip-Hop-Anonomous...Damn it! you always give hime the easy ones!!! (if you've seen the movie Big Daddy that will makes sense). Actually, we went to the Hip Hop Club in Liecester Square (that's pronouned Lester) it was like being in a tin can with a billion people and was the hottest most unpleasent place i've ever been, but we managed to make it fun.

Adios, I'm off to Amsterdam in T-minus 5 hours! Oh yeah, they run on military time so it was 6 hours when i originally wrote this but it took me an hour to calculate the correct time so it's only 5 now :)
Cheers!!! Day 6

So this is the last day in London and i have to say i definately feel that i made my mark in this city, or the city made it's mark on me? Either way there was a mark made. I am absolutely exhausted from lack of sleep and male nutrition, but am slowly adjusting. I have to say as cool as this place is GOD BLESS AMERICA!!! Two things i'm doing as soon as i get back to the states is buying 100 lbs. of ice and rolling around in it, and second is eating a turkey party sub from subway. Aparently no one ever told London what turkey's are because you absolutely can't find it anywhere!!! If you cant tell i've been here long enough to know the downsides so that's pretty much what this installment will be. Also, it really pisses me off for the fact that people think americans are rude. For example, ordering a glass of water for dinner should not only be a simple task, but it should never be taken as rude. Most places here you have to ask for water and i'm sorry but everytime in my entire life when i have asked for water there are no follow up questions. So on several occasions now i say glass of water. then the waiter mumbles somthing so fast i cant understand it but i can tell he's giving me options? and i'm like uhhh, just a regluar glass of water is fine and he looks at me like i'm stupid and mumbles it again. eventually it works out but when it comes it's the smallest glass of water ever (we are talking dixie cup) with one ice cube if your lucky. no problem but its the only one you will ever get and you wont see your waiter again til' you have to flag him down and ask for your bill. So tonight i was prepared and brought my own gallon jug of water to dinner, aparently that is less rude than bothering someone who you are paying to wait on you. Whew, glad i got all that off my chest.

Ok, enough negativety what else has happened right? Oh yeah, finally getting to know the people im with better and making some really great friends. Two nights ago Jordan, Draiper, Claire, and I all decide to go to happy hour. It was a happy hour! afterwards we ate in this semi-nice but cheap Indian restraunt. Oh yeah another thing food over his isn't so great. I mean some of it has tasted good but it is scary how unfresh and unrefrigerated things are and honestly it scares the crap out of me, and im sorry that i would love to eat a healthy COLD deliciously juicy turkey sandwich with fresh bread and lettuce and tomato with spicy mustard and a little cream chease toasted on on a bagel from time to time...mmmmmmmm. Anyway, we eat dinner wich was really great at this Indian place, but i'm sure we feed into the loud obnoxious american stereotype because we just came from happy hour, but oh well. Then we just got a couple bottles of wine and went and sat in the park. Those of you that know me best know thats my idea of a good night, it's not neccesarily my favorite thing to go to loud clubs and dancing, would much rather chill on some wine with a few close friends.

From left to right Claire, Jordan, Draiper, and you know who

Oh yeah, the freaking World Cup Game was out of control! the pubs here go insane and you litterally have every pub wall to wall with people sweaty profusely while the locals yell and sing the most obnoxios songs i've ever heard. But it was definately and experience. Don't know if you heard back home, but there was roits later all over the city after we lost i missed out on the action but i heard the aftermath, crazyness.

This is me and my main mate Jack at the local pub where we have happy hour (mate means friend so keep your mind out of the gutter :)

Today Tay and I walked down by the river and went to camden town. It was pretty sweet, this is wear all the punk rockers hand out and it definately is a wierd place that makes you feel way out of place, but being with tay made it easier cause he definately blends in to that whole seen.

Tay and I after doing to bungey jump trampalene that shoots you 40 feet in the air next to the London Eye (it was sweet!!!)

Last night we went to the Hip...Hip Hop? Hip-Hop-Anonomous...Damn it! you always give hime the easy ones!!! (if you've seen the movie Big Daddy that will makes sense). Actually, we went to the Hip Hop Club in Liecester Square (that's pronouned Lester) it was like being in a tin can with a billion people and was the hottest most unpleasent place i've ever been, but we managed to make it fun.

Adios, I'm off to Amsterdam in T-minus 5 hours! Oh yeah, they run on military time so it was 6 hours when i originally wrote this but it took me an hour to calculate the correct time so it's only 5 now :)