Thursday, June 29, 2006

Is this a Dream?

Ok, so today is day 4 in London and am still in shock. So much amazing stuff has already happened it seems like i've been here for a month. (I just read my last post to see what the last thing was i wrote and i forgot that i had just got here then, so this might be a long post) So, I'll start with the most outrageous boat cruise in history. Kate I'm sorry cause i know your going to hate this, but the facts must be reported to the people :) So my roomate and I both sign up for this boat cruise at our college. It's only for Americans Studying in London, but we thought it would be cool to get to know some people outside of our group so we signed up for it along with some others from our group too. Here's the thing. I guess guys in America don't Study Abroad because the boat held 300 people and honestly there was 20 guys. Some of you may think this is an exaggeration, but that is what is so amazing about it here is that the usaull overexaggerated stories i tell at home are not even close to my reality right now. It's a tough job but someone's got to do it.

Since I've been here there has been some really strange emotions going on. On this cruise was the first of now three major experiences. At one point on the cruise it absolutely hit me what was really happening. As I sat at the table I stopped everyone that i was talking with and was like "Do you guys realize that right now we are on a party boat going down the Thames River, Drinking at an open bar, and Big Ben is going by on our left side at this very moment. Honestly my goose bumps had goose bumps. Oh yeah, did i mention my roomate Johnny and I were the only guys in a see of 270 other girls too :) Just Kidding, but serioiusly we were.

Experience Overload Number 2 came yesterday at the National Gallery. As much as I love art and design i have never had an experience close to what happened yesterday. First of all it was amazing to see so many famous works that i have studied already in my Art History Classes. Then, it happened. I'm sure you all know the famous "Sunflowers" painting by Van Gogh, if not look it up and you'll recognize it. Warning though, no photography on earth can show you how amazing this is unless you see it, but anyway this thing is always surrounded by people constantly and it was on of the things i most wanted to see just because I've always heard that it is 20x more amazing in person. So i get up in the huge crowd of people trying to see this, and like a magic trick everyone left. I was totally alone for about 3 min. in front of this painting and it hit me again that this is really happening. I dont know if this makes any sense to those of you who are reading it, but it's a feeling i've never felt and i want to write about it so at least I'll remember it later.

Last but not least of this happened just last night. We went to see "The Producers" in Picadilly Square. For those of you that don't know, like me before i got here, this is the European equivlent of seeing a Broadway show in New York. Oh yeah, and did i mention that my seat was alright. We are talking Front Row smack in the center two seats right from the conductor (i think i got hit some sweat from the actors they were so close) It was Phenominal. Then, if that wasn't enough I almost decided to take and early evening and not go out last night, but in true DJ Jazzy Joyce form i found an extra gear and put the petal down and went out to a bar/club called Cheers. At first i was regreting my decision til' in walked three of the most stunning looking people i've seen (two girls and one guy) As my friends and i checked out the seen we kept thinking that these people looked a lot like the actors/actresses from the play. So after a little liquid courage i decided to go up and ask. Sure enough they were the girl that played "Oolha" and two of the backup dancers from the Play. It was cool enought just to say hi, but they were soooo nice and they loved our American Accents so they started buying us drinks and we kicked it with them for about 3 hours and we got invited to a party they are having tomorrow night.

Again, this all feels like a dream somtimes but i couldn't ask for anything more. It seems like the things i wished would happen are happening every min. plus, more than i wished.

I love all of you and hope things are going well in the states. Also I need your email address if you want to see more photos. Just send it too and I will do my best to add you quickly.

~ Joyce...Out

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey everyone! Just wanted to give you an update on Dustin with the UK terrorist attempt. He was to fly from Spain to London on 8/10. Luckily he changed his flight on 8/9 and will arrive in London on 8/12. As far as I know he still plans to fly out of London on 8/13. He is currently enjoying a exploring excursion in Spain.
Praise God he is safe. I hope you all are well... look forward to seeing you soon.

Moma Joyce