Wow, Rome. I mean it was the basically the beginning of it all, and is considered to be the Capital of the World by many. I'm pretty sure all i have to say is Collesium, Pantheon, Forum, Spanish Stairs, Vatican City, Sistene Chapel, the Pope, Fountains, I mean it had everything.
Vatican City and Inside the Colessium

As of now most of what i can remember about Rome is having to watch all of the people that i had become so close with over the last month drive away on a bus to catch thier flights back to the States, and wondering where the hell i was going to live that night, because my friend that was intended to meet me in Rome was unable too. I was absolutely alone in a country where i didnt speak the language and had no idea where i was going to sleep. Looking back on it now it was actually a really great experience but i have to admit at the time i was really kinda freaking out. I ended up finding a hostel called colors that was quite nice and fairly priced. (you like the ryhme there...its tricky) I was scared at first going from such posh hotels the last months surrounded by 40 people my age that spoke my language and lived in the same country as me. Also, guided by a two people that were with us the entire time and could fix any problem you had. But, i found that the hostel life is actually quite fun and very safe. Everyone there is in the same boat as you and there is a general rule that no messes with your stuff cause they dont want you messing with theirs. I was a little unprepard though with things like laundry and towels. I guess they dont provide towels in hostels and i sure didnt find that out til i was sopping wet getting out of the shower looking for a towel. Of course i improvised because there was a blow dryer attached to the wall. (side note: it really takes a lot longer than one might think to dry your entire body with a blow dryer...lesson learned). The second day was great, i strapped on the ipod and covered Vatican City, the Sisten Chapel, the Fountain, and the Pantheon in about 5 hours. You can definately cover more ground when traveling alone, and you get to have some pretty interesiting convo's with yourself as well as stangers. That night my two roomates were going to a pub crawl and i decided that i didnt have anything better to do so i went along. It turned out to be an absolute blast and I met an Englishman, a guy from Scottland, several Aussies, and a couple fellow Americans. The cool thing is that everyone there is again in the same boat as you and just want to meet people so it makes it really easy to make friends fast. All around it was great and i made it to the airport no problem the next day to fly back to London where i have been for several days, with a 4 day side trip to Newquay...Ill tell you about that next time though.
My new mates and I on the pub crawl:

I almost forgot too, on our last evening/night in Rome myself and everyone else in our group decided that we were going out with a bang in Rome so we sported Toga's to the Colessium, Dinner, and eventually the roof top bar of out hotel. It was night to be remembered and I couldn't have asked for a better group of people to spend the last month in Europe with.
Sportin' the Togas:

PS - If you ever doubted the fact that you can buy a beer at McDonald's I have the truth and the answer is YES!!! No idea the brand but this is definately a McChicken, McFry, and an not so cold (of course we are in Europe where nothing is cold) McBeer!

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