Monday, July 10, 2006

Bonjior from Paris!!!

So i've now been in Paris for the last 5 days and leave tomorrow morning for Lucerne, Switzerland. I cant wait for that cause i heard there is lake there surrounded by mountains where you can rent a paddle boat with a water slide on the back. I'm kinda feinding for some swimming action since it's summer and all. Oh yeah, and it's hot as hell here and i've lost about 5 lbs. from all the walking so far (my pants are starting not to fit) Anyway, Paris, what a place! Wine is cheaper than water, the people smell horrid, and i cant tell what they are saying cause i've never taken a french lesson in my life. My roomate and I have figured out the solution though. We can it the French Sandwich because all we do is sandwich our english language with the words Bonjior at the beginning and Merci at the end. It seems to work fairly well most of the time. Except for the shower curtain incident! LOL. Now i have to tell it right. Ok, so a couple days ago I slept in til' 2pm (whoops, the night before was a little out of control) and so the cleaning crew didn't clean the room. So, later i'm just sitting in ther room whatching a little Wimbeldon action when all the sudden some guy that appeared to work for the hotel came in and i though he was there to clean. So he mummbles a bunch of stuff in french to me and I'm like yeah Bonjior...yeah do what ever you need to do...Merci (you see how the sandwich works:) and so he goes into the bathroom unhooks the shower curtain and leaves with it. I'm like hmmm. that was kinda wierd (I mean I'm not that smart, but am well educated) that's a quote stolen from my roomate, but it seemed strange. Anyway, the curtain has never returned and we think it was officially stolen from under my nose now. (good story huh?)

Ok, other than that i can see the Eifel tower out my window which is another good story in it's self. I went to the tower alone from the rest of the group cause i had slept in that day (this is the same day as the shower curtain day) and i decided to go check out the tower cause i couldn't wait for the rest of the group. When i get there i'm pretty proud cause i figured the train system out all alone and i took a ton of great photos. Then, when i get the entrances, there is one on each foot, i see a line of people that looked like it would take about 3 hours to get through at two of the feet. The other two feet look like about a 15-20min. wait. Of course all the signs are in French so i cant figure out why these lines are so short, but i figure Hey, what the hell i'll just jump in the short line. Well, some of you are probably already laughing cause you figured out that the reason those lines are short is because those are the lines for the freakin' stairs! So I walk my ass up i dont know how many flights of stairs, but it took me a good 45 min. of straight stair climbing to get up there. We are talking people stopping all over to catch there breath, kids crying cause they dont want to go any farther, and then me trying to convince myself that i'm 22 and in good enough shape to make it with out stopping. Of course i did cause im competive like that, but was sweating like a pimp with one hooker when i got to the top. The view was amazing though and worth all the effort when i got there.

Here is the pic of me when i got to the top and did a little cool down:

Last night was definately and experience too, cause it was World Cup Final game between Italy and France!!! If you dont know soccer is called futbol here and it is taken like a religeon. Even the police cars yesterday were flying flags and yelling crazy french talk over there loudspeakers. So we spent all day at the Palace of Versi and the Church in Chartes pronounced (Shart)yeah that's right shart! Those of you that have seen Along Came Polly know I had a lot of fun with that one yesterday. Oh, and speaking of Sharting when we were in the church on our tour some smell crept in from hell in the form of a liquid that seriously had people dry heaving and gagging and running for the door. Normally, i would think that's funny but it was so bad that i couldn't even laugh at the Shart jokes cause i was concentrating on not puking. Beautiful church though, I've never seen anything like it in my life, kinda overwhelming at first (even without the smell). So back to the game, we got back to Paris about an hour before the game. (to be cont.) i have to go to dinner righ now!

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